The Instructional Media Center (IMC) comprises the College Library, IBED Library, and Audio-Visual Center. The IMC is a unit that supports and advances the objectives of the institution. Its resources, facilities, and services are organized and managed to serve the library clients in their pursuit of intellectual growth and academic excellence.
To address the multiple needs of today’s students, the IMC has changed its approach from being traditional to hybrid. As the learners change, libraries must also evolve from simply providing information to students to engaging students and helping them to become critical thinkers, evaluators, users, and creators of information and knowledge. Today, at SMCM we embrace the “learning commons” model of which the library was restructured to create new learning spaces suited for the 21st century learners.
The IMC offers the following programs and services:
· Library Orientation – An orientation program is conducted to all faculty and students to familiarize them with the facilities, resources, and services offered by the unit. Training on how to access bibliographic information from OPAC search stations is an important part of the orientation program.
· Reference Service – The reference service aims to connect library clients with the best available information for their research needs.
· Circulation Service – The circulation desk handles the check-out and check-in of print and non-print materials, renewal, and reservation of items that are out on loan. WEB OPAC can access to for online reservation of books.
· Instructional Media Services – It refers to the provision of support and assistance in the use of multimedia and audio-visual resources and facilities.
· Library Instruction Program – The IMC offers a variety of library instruction sessions for students from Grade -3 to College Level. These sessions are designed to enhance the research skills of students and to increase their ability to locate, evaluate, and use information resources effectively.
· Book talk and Storytelling Program – These programs are intended for the young learners from Kinder to Grade – 2. Reading and storytelling sessions aim to promote language, literacy and brain development of the young pupils.
· Internet Services – The library provides workstations for internet access and other academic related projects. Library clients may temporarily download files to the internet workstations desktop, however; all data will be lost after their session expires. Library clients are encouraged to download or save files to their own USB storage device.
· Photocopying and scanning services are available in the library. Minimal fees are collected for the aforementioned services.
· Referral Service – Faculty or students who would like to consult other libraries or information centers may request the librarian for the issuance of referral letter to the institution of their choice.