• Announcement: Parents/ Students K-12

    March 12, 2020

    To Parents/ Students K-12:

    Praised be Jesus and Mary!

    In reference to DepEd No. 78, s. 2020 and press release of DepEd Regional Office III last Tuesday (March 10, 2020), the school would like to inform you of the following:

    1. Fourth quarter examination willtake place on March 17-18. With this regard, as our children are advised to stay home, please let them review the rest of the lessons covered by the fourth quarter(please refer to the course outline given to students)
    2. Other requirements needed to be completed can be submitted on March 17-18.
    3. Graduation rites/ ceremonies will push thru as scheduled; however, it will be subjected to change depending on the DepEd's advise.
    4. Special Science qualifying exam is moved on April 4, 2020. Application is until April 2, 2020.
    5. If there might be some changes, please wait for further announcement.